#WalangPasok – December 8 2021 declared a special non-working holiday nationwide

Roman Catholics around the world will be celebrating the annual Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary this coming December 8, Wednesday.
The said day is a special non-working holiday all over the Philippines by virtue of Republic Act 10966, which President Rodrigo Duterte signed into law in 2017. The full text of RA 10966 can be accessed here. Previously, only Catholic schools including the University of the Philippines-Diliman observe December 8 as a no-class day.
According to the 2020 DOLE handbook on workers statutory monetary benefits, the “no work, no pay” principle applies during special non-working holidays. Meaning, workers who are not required or permitted to work on special non-working days are not entitled to any compensation unless there is a collective bargaining agreement or a company policy that provides for that.
The handbook likewise highlighted that employees who work during special non-working days are entitled to receive an additional pay of 30% for every hour that they render service.

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