Day 4 of VINSET 2.0 – Notes, quizzes, and answers – September 2 2021

The Department of Education (DepEd) is conducting its second Virtual In-Service Training (VINSET) this week, from August 30 to September 3, 2021. To compel teachers to watch all the sessions religiously, there are “quizzes” for each one that they must answer to be able to get a certificate as the five-day program ends.
The Filipino Scribe will be providing the answers for all quizzes given during September 2, 2021, the fourth day of VINSET 2.0. Of the seven sessions, five will require a so-called “exit quiz.” This is for the benefit of teachers who are having difficulties accessing DepEd’s website.
Exit Quiz #1: Mental Health Amidst Pandemic: Conditions and Coping Strategies
1) The Republic Act No. 11036 is also known as: MENTAL HEALTH ACT of 2018.
2) DISTRESS is a form of stress with negative implication.
3) DISTRESS is a form of stress with negative implication. (the question was repeated)
4) DEPRESSION is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest.
5) According to the World Health Organization (WHO), MENTAL HEALTH is “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.”
Exit Quiz #2: Photo Editing and digital banner design using GIMP for instructional video development
1) DUPLICATE LAYER tool helps you to add a new layer to the image which is identical copy of the active layer.
2) CTRL + Z is the keyboard shortcut for the undo command.
3) Black Foreground & White Background are the default foreground/background colors when you open a blank file in GIMP.
4) WILBER is the official name for the dog-like mascot of GIMP.
5) When working in GIMP, your image will be divided up into LAYERS to make it easier to edit your image. These LAYERS will allow you to change the color, delete, or add effects to specific parts of your image without affecting the other parts.
Exit Quiz #3: Digital Illustrations using Krita for book illustrations and for instructional video development
1) If you need to recreate your design with ink or paint, this color mode will give you more accurate results. – CMYK
2) These are warm or hot colors and often suggest warmth, cheerfulness, or excitement. – RED AND YELLOW
3) This illustration layout is an object that stands on its own, without a background scene. – BOXED
4) This is where you can choose your brushes, set parameters such as opacity and size and other settings. – TOOLBAR
5) This refers to part of an illustration that runs off the page edges. – FULL BLEED
Exit Quiz #4: The activity Basic Motion Graphics using Hitfilm Express for Instructional video development
Exit Quiz #5: The activity Music Production Using Noteflight for Instructional Video Development