EID’L FITR | July 6 2016 declared a holiday nationwide

Muslims all over the world will be observing the end of the holy month of Ramadan or Eid’l Fitr this first week of July.
In connection to this, President Rodrigo Duterte has signed Proclamation #6 declaring July 6, 2016 (Wednesday) as a nationwide holiday. Ramadan officially began last June 6, according to a calendar provided by the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF).
Eid’l Fitr is a national holiday as mandated by Republic Act (RA) 9177, which came into effect in 2002 or early during the term of then-President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. The complete version of RA 9177 can be accessed in this link.
Interestingly, making this holiday proclamation is among Duterte’s first official acts as President. He is the country’s first president from Mindanao.

In accordance to RA 9177, only the Office of the President upon the recommendation of the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF) can announce the final date for this religious holiday.
The NCMF has uploaded on its Facebook page a 30-day prayer and fasting schedule for Muslims residing in Metro Manila. In the same document, the agency noted that NCMF staffers will conduct a moon-sighting activity on July 4, Monday, to determine the last day of Ramadan fasting as well as the final date for Eid’l Fitr.
Just a reminder: Since Eid’l Fitr is a nationwide holiday, employees who report for work on the said day are entitled to get 200% of their hourly rate for every hour of service rendered (a.k.a double pay).
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