The Filipino Scribe demands an apology from FHM Philippines

Mr. Allan A. Madrilejos
Team Editor,
Dear Mr. Mardilejos,
This is Mark Madrona, a college professor and owner of the news blog The Filipino Scribe ( I am writing this letter to call your attention regarding an article you published last May 6 titled “Six Incredulously Funny Fake Election Headlines,” which featured satirical websites.
Towards the end of the said article, you used The Filipino Scribe (with an accompanying screenshot) as an example of “a non-satirical website that published inaccurate news.”
It refers to my article about the Iglesia Ni Cristo’s endorsement of Rodrigo Duterte for president and Bongbong Marcos for vice president. I happen to have sources close to the group, which enabled me to report on the story a day before almost all media organizations did – including the INC-run Eagle News.

I know that many individuals raised doubts about the accuracy of my article, with some of them calling me names while others subjected my site to a DDOS attack, but I was ultimately vindicated a day after.
I’m incredibly proud of the work I’ve done on The Filipino Scribe the past five years, especially as regards maintaining the accuracy of its website’s content is concerned. Along the way, it has received several awards and recognitions from various organizations since 2011. Hence, your description of as “a non-satirical website that published inaccurate news” is a direct assault on my site’s journalistic integrity.
Now having said that, I respectfully ask your team to remove the reference to my site from that particular article. Also, if possible, I’ll also appreciate having an editor’s note at the end of it (e.g. explaining that FHM’s characterization of my article as inaccurate is in fact, inaccurate, among others).
Thanks so much and all the best for FHM Philippines.
Respectfully yours,
Mark Madrona
(*To those who may be asking, “Why only now?” It’s because I only discovered this this week when I did a routine check of my site’s press mentions. And also, I messaged FHM Philippines’ Facebook page about this yesterday but I got no response.)