What factors affect the behavior of Filipino online shoppers?

Every country in the world is witnessing a mass transformation in terms of trading environment and mode of transaction. Instead of going out and spending entire day out on the streets shopping, people now prefer to buy en masse material online and get it delivered just for the sake of convenience and ease.
Southeast Asia too is going through a similar process, and Filipinos are very much into it. It needs to be kept in mind that Philippines is one of the most thriving shopping place in conventional sense. It has shopping malls that are among the world’s largest. In terms of online shopping, the trends tell a lot of interesting facts about Filipinos. Here are some of the studies that depict the buying behaviour of Filipinos online:
SMEs in Philippines
One of the major source of information regarding the online shopping trends is to know where and how small and medium businesses are making it through. The study done by Fardia F. Tallud from University of Saint Louis shows that SMEs who do online shopping buy 50 percent of the supplies directly from a company’s website. Which means that instead of going to the usual online marketplace, they visit the respective store directly. She concluded that it is because of the fact that people have trust in these people.

Many people now do shopping from either Ebay.ph or sulit (now OLX). This trend might still change however as there are new players in town like Kaymu, which offer a very healthy opportunity for buyers and sellers to be creative and earn decent money.
Moreover, the reason they rely on local websites and stores is because they get their relevant items through these places and not elsewhere.
What Normal Customers Demand?
Features that help a selling website get more traffic are the following: provide customer’s feedback, detailed info of the product, an option or mechanism for changing/returning the product. These shows that Filipinos tend to be skeptical
Furthermore, the convenience factor always counts around the globe. If buying is difficult and involves arduous steps then it will definitely put people off. Same is the case here as well.
Some Idiosyncratic Facts about Filipinos
Some of the trends about Philippines reflect Filipinos’ life priorities. For example, it has been observed that they are particularly fond of beauty items and fairness creams. So, if the online store has whitening creams, chances are that their sales will go up. Moreover, they also obsessed with cleanliness. The sales of sanitary pads and other material were observed to be higher than others.
Above all, the daily life items such as noodles etc. have higher sales. Basically, they don’t have much time to cook and are always on-the-go.
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