Bataller described it as the “craziest, sickest, scariest thing” she has heard in her lifetime. She went on to describe a story that supposedly happened to a female student from University of Santo Tomas’ Alfredo M. Velayo (UST-AMV) College of Accountancy.
“As she was walking with the crowd, she felt her arm grow a little heavier. When she looked to check, she saw a syringe plunged in her arm with a note that said ‘Welcome to the HIV world.'”
“At first, she thought it was nothing; a prank made by attention-seekers. She decided to have herself checked in the UST Hospital, just in case. Her result was HIV positive.”
“Welcome to the HIV club” is an old hoax that keeps on resurfacing (click to enlarge)
It sounds like a horror story, I know. Almost unreal. But you can be sure I’ll be keeping myself away from crowded places for awhile.
Before you follow her lead and avoid Recto just because of this viral post, it is worth pointing out that according to, “pin-prick attack” stories has been going around in the United States since the 1990s.
Now, it’s time to look at the claims made in this post:
1) Can someone be infected with HIV in the manner described above?
2) Can someone know immediately if he/she is HIV positive?
The same website explained the concept of a “window period,” the period after a person may have been exposed to HIV but before a test can accurately detect the infection.
In other words, a negative result today does not necessarily mean that you don’t have HIV especially if a person has engaged in risky behaviors. A follow-up test after three months is highly recommended.
*Now, next time you visit Divisoria-Recto area, watch out for snatchers – not imaginary pin prick attackers.
The Filipino Scribe (TFS) is managed by Mark Pere Madrona, a multi-awarded writer and licensed professional teacher from the Philippines.
Mr. Madrona earned his master’s degree in history from the University of the Philippines-Diliman last 2020. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in journalism cum laude from the same university back in 2010. His area of interests includes Philippine journalism, history, and politics as well as social media.
Know more about him here:
The Filipino Scribe (TFS) is managed by Mark Pere Madrona, a multi-awarded writer and licensed professional teacher from the Philippines.
Mr. Madrona earned his master’s degree in history from the University of the Philippines-Diliman last 2020. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in journalism cum laude from the same university back in 2010. His area of interests includes Philippine journalism, history, and politics as well as social media.
Know more about him here:
I Love the final statement sir hahahaha absolutely right! Snatchers are the scariest craziest and creepiest thing we can encounter in Recto LOL hahaha
Hi, Diane! It’s funny how you used the words of the woman.
Yes, these urban myth stories have been going around for ages… You have a higher chance of having a kidney stolen when partying in Las Vegas! ^o^
Thanks for reading, Yonni!
Love the Scribe! I try to read all posts with English titles… Keep up the great work! ^o^
I really appreciate that!